Why do an Internship?


Experience, though not an authority, but definitely helps you have an edge over your peers. With almost every student being at par with you when it comes to degree, what do you think will make your CV more appropriate and look different? Obviously a certain star point which will add a certain edge to it and internship does add that X- factor which is required to strike the chord even in the most strenuous of the interviews and achieve success. Internship under good mentors and guidance’s help a lot in building as well as gain confidence in your abilities and brush up the skills you think you are good at. It even helps in developing skills and refining others. Learn your strengths and weaknesses by creating learning objectives and receiving feedback from your supervisor. This is a unique learning opportunity that you may never have again as a working adult. Embrace the mistakes that you’ll make and the many things that you won’t know. Ask questions, observe. Internship is all about what you know and further want to know more. You are surrounded by people who share same level of interest and also with people who certainly have attained certain level of success and they constantly provide you with better things and also opportunities for you to build up you skill. You may also earn money, but internships are certainly just not about money but a step towards a brighter and a better future. It helps you learn the minor intricacies of the work and thereby making you well equipped with the techniques and minutest of the details. It helps you to channelize and compose your energy and keep your focus on one single track, for lack of experience or proper process might just divert student’s attention for they did not get the right process even though they still want to establish their career in the same field.

Here at DUKHABAR  we see to it that we establish a certain connection between the supervisors and the interns that interns are given freedom to express their views and opinions and supervisors make every attempt to encourage, correct as well as appreciate their work. At Dukhabar we not only focus on news in and around the Delhi University but also have separate columns for writers who wish to express their views on certain topics. And what could be a better platform than this to build up writing skills if you aim to become a writer or a media person. There is no gap of communication between the supervisors and the interns and interns are given adequate representation. Colleagues help to promote each other’s work and interns, whenever they wish to discontinue, would be provided with certificates to enhance their CV’s.  Registered in September 2013, and launched in January’ 14. DUK, within no time, garnered an all India website rating of 11,457, what could be a better place to trust your abilities with? We, here, promise to build and represent our intern’s views and talent who wish to make a mark in media business and writing. Though. A beginner firm but proud holder of 26 interns currently working and is at par with most of the related websites.  We do not claim to be the best but we are certainly no less!

Start now Biggest Internship fair Delhi 1May DU Khabar Stirring Minds Letsintern Stinger

Start Now is being organised at ‘Stirring Minds’ with an expected footfall of
1000 students and more than 50 companies, with an aim that aspiring and enthusiastic Students achieve an internship this Summer and channelize their positive energies in learning and gaining experience which will add to their Curriculum Vitae and grooming their overall personalities.

Let’s Intern is a leading platform where students can find an internship.

Stirring Minds is an initiative to support, help grow and nurture the entrepreneurial mind, It is a 5000+ sq ft Coworking Space
at central Delhi, with a node office in the Bay Area, California (Silicon Valley).

Stringr is a to be launched mobile app which is been Bring all the Markets of the world on your Mobile, it will keep you updated about all the the Sales, Discounts, New Collections around you instantly.

DuKhabar is Delhi universities most favourite blog

Join The Biggest Internship Fair : http://goo.gl/arwvgD


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