Avenues Open for Psychology


Psychology (hons.) is one of the toughest courses to get into with soaring high cut-offs yet its demand is ever increasing. One develops interpersonal, writing and research skills and an understanding of human behavior by this course, all of these skills come a big time handy in almost any and every field!
There is a gamut of options available for pass-outs with psychology (hons.) degree – from pursuing their education further to taking up jobs.
If you plan to take up a job then you can apply at various places : at NGOs, social services, to marketing (as you have gained so much understanding of how human brain works and thinks ); you can become even a career counselor or an assistant under a psychologist.
Of course, the gamut of options multiplies once you do your masters.  You have a vast palette of courses to choose from after your graduation – you can either stick to psychology or switch to any other desired field like – law, management, mass communication, fashion designing or various other art subjects like English, History, Sociology, Political Science
etc. whatever your heart desires!
If you want to stick to psychology but are confused which field to specialize in, then a year of working with an NGO or as an assistant under a proper clinical psychologist will be a great help to make a correct choice. There are various specialized NGOs for children, old age people, victims of drug, sexual, gender abuse etc.

You can choose to work according to your preference in any of these NGOs and see if it interests you. Same way there are various sorts of clients (duh, you must be knowing we do not use the term “patient”) coming to a psychologist to seek help. Working under him/her will give you an insight into the job.
Once you study psychology at higher levels, you can become a certified psychologist. You can be a clinical psychologist, school psychologist, genetic counselor, forensic psychologist, industrial-organizational psychologist – the list is ever increasing. The US Bureau of Labor Statics predicts a faster than average growth for psychologists.
Here is the list of the  places in India with links where you can apply for masters in psychology, few places like TISS ( now closed to applications)


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